
Elbow Dislocation

Swollen elbow, dull pain and discomfort upon movement

What is elbow dislocation?

Elbow dislocation is best understood as the separation of the joint surfaces at your elbow. It could either be a complete dislocation– where the joints are completely separated, or a partial dislocation, also known as a subluxation in which elbows are only partially dislocated. An elbow is deemed dislocated when the bones; humerus, ulna and radius, move out of place. 

There are 3 forms of dislocation:

  • Simple dislocation: no major injuries involved and has the quickest recovery period.
  • Complex dislocation: involves bone injuries such as fractures and ligament injuries such as muscle tears. 
  • Severe dislocation: damages to the blood vessels and nerves, fundamentally impacting the entire arm and its functionality. 
dislocated elbow
Elbow dislocation can either occur partially or completely.

What causes elbow dislocation?

Elbow dislocations can occur due to a variety of reasons such as:

  • Stopping a fall with an outstretched arm
  • Traumatic injuries due to accidents or sports participation
  • Overuse due to repetitive use during sports, hobbies, or work
  • Medical condition known as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

What are the symptoms of elbow dislocation?

Symptoms of elbow dislocation vary depending on its severity. 

In less severe cases, symptoms may include:

  • Swelling at the elbow 
  • Dull pain and discomfort upon movement
  • Bruising

On the other hand, in more critical cases symptoms may include:

  • Visible dislocation where the arm looks deformed and twisted
  • Excruciating level of pain 
  • Immobile arm or sharp pain felt upon movement 
  • Swelling 
  • Bruising 
elbow dislocation
Depending on its severity, an elbow dislocation can make the arm look disfigured.
If you notice any of the symptoms, make an appointment with an orthopaedic specialist to get an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Dr Puah KL is our Senior Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at Artisan Sports & Orthopaedic Surgery. He used to serve the sports service of Singapore General Hospital - the highest volume trauma centre for orthopaedics in Singapore.

Is elbow dislocation painful?

Depending on the type of dislocation, the pain level ranges from discomfort to debilitating pain.

There are cases in which patients have dislocated their elbow and left it unchecked until their condition exacerbates. This is dangerous as the health of supporting ligaments would be compromised. 

Who is at risk of elbow dislocation in Singapore?

Elbow dislocations are the second most occurring form of dislocation in adults. It is also the most common form of dislocation among children. 

However, there are several factors that may increase your risk, these are:

  • Age: commonly occurs with patients in the age range of 10-20 years old, with the hypothesis that it may be due to the likelihood of an extreme lifestyle with lesser caution. 
  • Athletes/hobbyists: such as skateboarders, dirt bikers and ice skaters. 
extreme sports dislocation
Unguarded elbows in sports makes you prone to elbow dislocation.

How is elbow dislocation diagnosed?

To properly diagnose elbow dislocation, you may be required to undergo the following: 

  • Physical examination: the first step of diagnosis will be a physical examination to identify any open skin injury, signs of nerve damage, and mobility of the arm as a whole.
  • X-ray: an x-ray will be taken of your shoulder to identify the type of dislocation and fractures if any are present.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): an MRI will be ordered if suspicion of complex injury is raised. MRI also provides visual access to ligament damage.

What are the treatment options for elbow dislocation in Singapore?

Depending on the severity of your elbow dislocation, treatment may vary:

  • Non-surgical treatment: your elbow will be manually restored into position upon administration of sedatives and pain medications. 
  • Splint/sling: you may be advised to wear a splint or a sling to allow full recovery for up to three weeks. 
  • Physiotherapy: physiotherapy involving the use of gentle and therapeutic exercises will be advised upon recovery to improve range of motion and recover mobility. 
  • Surgery: the surgery required will be dependent on the extent of instability of the elbow. Sometimes anatomical repair with metal anchor screws would be necessary. 
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